3 Places to Find an Editor for Your Poetry Book

3 Places to Find an Editor for Your Poetry Book.png

Looking to publish a collection of poetry? 

It’s important to work with an editor to ensure your work reads smoothly, your message is clear, and every comma is in the right place.

You want to make sure that you choose an editor who is a good fit for your work – someone who understands your vision for your poetry and who will work with you to bring it to life. 

Here are three places you can find these kinds of editors. 

  1. National Editors’ Institutes

Chances are, the country you live in has a specific institute for editors. 

In Australia, it’s called the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd). Find out what the one in your country is called and visit their website. 

You’ll be able to access a directory of professional editors that are based in your country. 

Make sure you filter your search using ‘poetry’ as a keyword. 

That way, you’ll find the editors that specialise (or at least have a strong interest) in the poetry genre. 

2. Freelance Platforms 

Reedsy is one of the most popular platforms for connecting authors with freelance book editors. Editors on this platform must meet a certain criteria to be accepted, so they generally have a lot of experience. 

Fiverr is another good option if you’re on a tight budget. 

However, there is no accreditation process to become a freelancer on Fiverr. I’d recommend looking at reviews or sample of the editor’s work to determine if they’d be a good fit for your poetry collection. 

3. Right here! 

Is it cheeky to include my own website in this list? 


But I’d be wasting the perfect opportunity if I didn’t! 

I’m a freelance editor who works exclusively with poets to help them create books they can be proud of. 

I’d love to work with you on your upcoming poetry collection. You can check out my editing services below. 

Self-Publishing a Poetry Collection? Download my free timeline templates for poets. This download includes a blank timeline for you to fill in and a sample timeline to guide you.

Hi, I’m Rachel!

I’m a poet and poetry editor based in Sydney, Australia.

I help poets write with purpose and create books that they are proud of.

I’m usually found with a coffee in one hand and a pen in the other.

I’m obsessed with stories and love equipping poets to share their own.

About me


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